Stay True To Who You Are

“Applying wisdom to your life each day will help you keep distractions and foolishness away.”

You should never compromise or change to be like other people, especially when another person may be doing wrong. You should always do what you know is right. Never allow anyone else to pull you down or cause you to do things that you are not comfortable doing, even if it means you must disconnect yourself from the person.

Romans 12:2 says “Don’t change yourselves to be like the people of this world, but let God change you inside with a new way of thinking, then you will be able to understand and accept what God wants for you. You will be able to know what is good and pleasing to Him, and what is perfect.” (ERV)

Be blessed, be encouraged and have a great day.

God Always Sees Your Heart

“Applying wisdom to your life each day will help you keep distractions and foolishness away.”

God knows everything about a person, even the things in a person’s heart and thoughts. A person can lie to other people, but a person will never be able to lie or hide anything from God, even when a person may lie to themself. However a person’s heart may be, it is always in a position for God to know how to either bless the person or how to deal with the heart of the person.

Jeremiah 17:10 says “The Lord says, “I look deep down inside human hearts. I see what is in people’s minds. I reward each person in keeping with their conduct. I bless them based on what they have done.” (NIRV)

Be blessed, be encouraged and have a great day.

God Will Solve All Of Your Problems If You Would Let Him

“Applying wisdom to your life each day will help you keep distractions and foolishness away.”

If you are going through anything that is causing you to worry or stress, God wants you to give the problem to Him. God loves and cares for you so much that He wants to take care of the situation for you, as well as not see you go through any kind of pain. God wants you to trust Him by releasing all of your cares and worries into His hands, and by not going back and taking the problem from Him, because God can fix it for you.

1 Peter 5:7 says “Give all your worries and cares to God, for He cares about you.” (NLT)

Be blessed, be encouraged and have a great day.

In God, You Can Find Safety

“Applying wisdom to your life each day will help you keep distractions and foolishness away.”

The one place that you can always go to for safety and protection is in God. When you go to God, you never have to fear nor be afraid of anything or anyone, because you will be fully covered, and taken care of. You can trust God to take care of you at all times.

Psalm 91:2 says “I will say to the Lord, “You are my place of safety and protection. You are my God and I trust you.” (NCV)

Be blessed, be encouraged and have a great day. ~Carla~

Are You Willing To Be A Vessel That God Can Use?

“Applying wisdom to your life each day will help you keep distractions and foolishness away.”

God desires that everyone all over the world know about His Son, Jesus Christ. God needs people who are willing to share their faith so that others may be drawn to Christ. Everyone has a part to play. God will always lead you to the people that you are assigned to. All God needs you to do is make yourself available so that He can use you.

Isaiah 6:8 says “Then I heard the voice of the Lord God. He said, ‘Is there anyone that I can send with my message? Who will go on our behalf?’ I said, ‘I am here. Send me!” (EASY)

Be blessed, be encouraged and have a great day.

You Cannot Live Without Loving

“Applying wisdom to your life each day will help you keep distractions and foolishness away.”

Only a person that loves God, and has the love of God within their heart can truly love other people. When you love people, you may not always agree with what people may do or say, but you must still love the person in spite of whatever wrong they have done or said. God requires that every person loves other people, no matter how hard it may be. God may not have always agreed with or liked everything you did, but God never stopped loving you and never will.

1 John 4:7 says “Dear friends, let us love one another, because love comes from God. Everyone who loves has become a child of God and knows God.” (NIRV)

Be blessed, be encouraged and have a great day.

Do As God Instructs You To Do

“Applying wisdom to your life each day will help you keep distractions and foolishness away.”

God will give you step by step instructions on things that He expects and wants you to do. You cannot make excuses or justify things when you do not do them specifically as God tells you to. God has a purpose for everything that He asks you to do. It is not important for you to know the reason why; what is important, is for you to obey.

Micah 6:8 says “The Lord has told you human, what is good; He has told you what He wants from you: to do what is right to other people, love being kind to others and live humbly obeying your God.” (NCV)

Be blessed, be encouraged and have a great day.

Do All Of Your Fighting In Prayer

“Applying wisdom to your life each day will help you keep distractions and foolishness away.”

When people want bad things to happen to you or they even treat you wrong for no reason at all, do not waste your time or energy trying to figure out why. Most of all, do not try to get revenge. The best thing you can do is to pray for those people. Even though the people may not hear your prayers, God can and God will deal with every person on your behalf by speaking to their hearts in a way in which they will know that it is God speaking to them.

Luke 6:28 says “Ask God to bless the people who ask for bad things to happen to you. Pray for the people who are mean to you.” (ERV)

Be blessed, be encouraged and have a great day.

You Can Never Get Credit For God’s Glory

“Applying wisdom to your life each day will help you keep distractions and foolishness away.”

Whenever you are using a gift that God has blessed you with, it is not you that is doing the work, it is God doing the work in and through you. Whenever you do what God asks you to do, not only are you being obedient and making yourself available, but you are also allowing God to use you, so that God may be glorified and others may see God at work in you and through you. It is never about you; it is always about God.

Ephesians 3:20 says “With God’s power working in us, God can do much, much more than anything we can ask or think of.” (ERV)

Be blessed, be encouraged and have a great day.

The Bible Is Your Guidebook For Life

“Applying wisdom to your life each day will help you keep distractions and foolishness away.”

The Bible was written to teach people everything that is right, so they would also know everything that is wrong, and how wrong things and people bring trouble into your life. The Bible leads, guides, directs, advises and give instructions on everything you should know regarding your life. The Bible will teach you how to deal with problems and people. Consistent reading of the Bible will lead to a healthy positive lifestyle.

2 Timothy 3:16 says “Everything that is written in the Bible comes from God’s Spirit. It helps us in many ways. The Bible teaches us what is true. It warns us when we are doing wrong things. It shows us what is right. It teaches us how to live good lives.” (EASY)

Be blessed, be encouraged and have a great day.